From the dream team creators of CROWN: AN ODE TO THE FRESH CUT comes I AM EVERY GOOD THING-- a meditation on the wondrous, multi-faceted greatness of Barnes' own 4 young boys and James' 2 young children that echoes affirmation and inspiration for children everywhere, but especially for Black boys. There's something special about picture books that are able to capture the assuredness, joy and community covering that comes with being a young Black boy in this world and I jump for joy when I discover books that capture this as poignantly and vividly as this one does-- that acknowledges the ways in which Black boys are sometimes afraid but nonetheless champions and never not triumphant and never not capable of joy. I am beyond excited to add this to my (err-- I mean, my family's) picture book collection, at providing my own 2 young sons with an incredible book that encourages them to know that they too are always-- and forever will be-- every good thing.
It's been quite some time! Trying to survive the apocalyptic-esque curveballs 2020 continues to throw our way is a feat in and of itself, but doing so while actively working to keep small children happy, entertained, safe and healthy (you know... alive) is truly one for the books. I'm increasingly in awe of how utterly exhausted and overwhelmed I can feel while also simultaneously feeling incredibly overjoyed to have my little ones so close during this time. It's a lot to handle and on any given day, my feelings can oscillate between sheer terror and sheer joy at the task of caring for small children and at times, wishing you could switch roles and get some of the TLC in return. Enter YOU BE MOMMY by Karla Clark and gorgeously illustrated by Zoe Persico. This wonderful picture book encapsulates it all-- the fall-flat-on-your-face exhaustion, the endless night-time circling and tasking, the desire to curl up and have someone put you to sleep, all in an effort to capture the beautiful ways in which our children are listening and watching and caring for us all along-- but mostly when they finally fall asleep themselves ;) Crisp rhymes, jaw-dropping uses of color and a humorous plot twist will make this charming picture book an all too easy nightly re-read for little ones and big ones alike.